Project 365: Draw The Line
A Drawing A Day
Thursday, March 6, 2025
TJ at Mark Beard's
Mark Beard is the artist who created all those beautiful homoerotic murals at Abercrombie & Fitch back in the day, and after years of thinking of going, I finally attended one of his drawing salons at his loft in midtown. I got to draw the beautiful TJ, whom I wanted to draw weeks ago at another Saturday drawing group that I missed because I overslept. With 3 3 minute poses and 2 40 minute poses, he was a lot of fun to draw, mostly because I found his face really interesting and handsome. These were the two long poses.
Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Tuesday, March 4, 2025
Homework Instructions
I did a quick sketch of how my students should manage the one homework I gave them for croquis drawing.
Monday, March 3, 2025
Nicholas In Bondage 3
I took some of the stills form my shoot with Nicholas and started doing preliminary sketches. These are going to be so sexually explicit (for me) that I'm not sure how I feel. I mean, I'm excited but it's a like back in the days of the Leslie Lohman Drawing salon, where it got really racy right away.
Sunday, March 2, 2025
Nicholas In Bondage 2
Nicholas is coming to my apartment to pose for the sketches I have planned, and while waiting i drew another possibility, this time using my Raf Simons gloves as a possible outfit. Although I'm not sure I even need him to pose for this, as I could finish this as is...
Saturday, March 1, 2025
Nude To Go 2
I feel like there's a finished piece in here waiting to come forth, but I'm just fiddling with it and not sure where it's headed. Oh well, we shall see...
Friday, February 28, 2025
Faculty Session
The FIT Fashion Art Department faculty sometimes hold drawing sessions with models, and this was apparently the first one since the pandemic! It's my first one and I was being very experimental, going from charcoal to pastel, before finally ending up with my favorite medium for lifedrawing, colored pencil. We were drawing a marathon, nonstop it seemed for over two hours, since we had two models and each model would rest while the other posed, which meant we artists were drawing continuously! These were two of the sets I drew: the first set is a pair of pastels where I was trying to be all late 80s fashion drawing student, a la some of my professor peers. It's not really my style, but I was evoking Steven Stipleman and maybe even KPB. PLus, aside from one recent demo in class last week, I haven't used pastels in DECADES, much less in a fashion Illustration context! My hands were so dirty, thank goodness there was a sink in the classroom.
The last one felt more like me, a gray colored pencil drawing of the last look.
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Collage At College
Today I gave a lesson on collage for our class, and I drew a croquis and applied cut paper to it, but I forgot to photograph it to upload here. Will add it as soon as I get back to school tomorrow.
Edit: added, but it's not my fave I like the sketch I had underneath better on its own. Not really a collage guy...
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Cropped Up Top
I love a pooh bear moment and making it anonymous feels like a fresh take on it, since I do a pooh bear moment fairly often.
Tuesday, February 25, 2025
Nude To Go
I'm trying to get my next Instagram post done but I just have no energy to devote to a sketch right now—I'm just sooo distracted by the political chaos in this country right now. Plus I'm busy with school and a sudden shitload of social commitments. But I always try to start something to "break the ice" so to speak. It's easier to go in and edit something than to start. So I start with minimal marks and see if I'll continue it from there
Monday, February 24, 2025
AJ Poses 3
I'm trying to get away from mys standard men's faces with this one, going for a fuller lip. But I'm not sure I'm getting teh feature mix right, so I wondered if painting it more fully would make it sem where i was headed, versus just a line drawing.
Sunday, February 23, 2025
Saturday, February 22, 2025
AJ Poses
I thought I would just do a plain standing pose for my next insta post, and this was an interesting start but I'm not sure where it's going yet. But I thought of it for a guy I've been chatting with on Insta, StonerHustle,
Friday, February 21, 2025
The More You Know
When I was prepping my slideshow presentation for yesterday's demo, I went back into my Hugo Boss work to look for layered outfits to show my class. This was one of them and I noticed how stiff I was in the way I drew the pose—no verve, no life. Granted it was at a time when the runway shows were pretty much stiff and lifeless, but in hindsight I wish I gave her more swish. So I adjusted this a bit. It's better, but not good enough yet, and there's no need now since the slideshow was for yesterday.
Thursday, February 20, 2025
Peer Demo
Every semester your fellow professors review one of your classes to see if you're up to snuff. I've had good to okay reviews before, but today's was outstanding! My peer reviewer was the eminent Professor Stipleman, and he was quite effusive with his approval right after my demo. This was the drawing I did to demonstrate the quick gestural techniques I wanted my students to use when drawing layered garments (in 8 minutes). It's not even that great a sketch but I guess I was confident enough in the demo to be convincing and it showed the layering that I was espousing.
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
Men's Flats Template 2
And a sample barrel leg trouser flat for the menswear kids (really almost identical to my womenswear demo, but at least in menswear proportions).
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Men's Flats Template
I'm teaching menswear at FIT now, and my first class is all about digitalflats in Illustrator. But I didnt have a template handed to me by my department so I drew one based on different templates given to me by fellow professors. And with this is it with a sample oversized l/s t-shirt flat.
Monday, February 17, 2025
Sunday, February 16, 2025
Stretched Out 3
I am thinking of finalizing this pose with a model who would work well for it, so I thought Id make it a little more face-centric.
Saturday, February 15, 2025
Ray In Repose
I had asked my friend/former boss Ray to pose for a portrait as his birthday present, and this is the beginnings of it.
Friday, February 14, 2025
Mensweat Study in Pocket Procreate
I went to visit my friend Lamont on Monday when he was teaching his menswear class, and I did a quick sketch of his model while doing so. I didn't post it on Monday as I should have, since I did it then, so I adjusted it a bit to make it count for today's post.
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Nubia on the Blackboard
I taught model drawing class today and had a new model named Nubia. She was very sweet and while she posed for my class, I did a side demo of her pose on the blackboard to her right.
Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Removal, Done
After i started my initial study, I asked my friend Ernesto to pose for me to check my anatomy, and I ended up drawing more of his arms than the ones I originally mapped out. I also had screen grabs of the original porno frames and merged everything together.
Tuesday, February 11, 2025
Martin in Sweatpants
I saw a selfie that model Martin Boyle took, and I liked the way his sweatpants draped so I decided to draw it fro the photo as an exercise. But I'm not finishing it (at this point) since it's someone else's photo and I don't ant to make finished artwork with someone else's art direction.
Monday, February 10, 2025
I was watching some porn where a guy uses a gloryhole setup, and in one shot he took off his shirt and I really liked the curve of his back as he arched to snake his top off his back, then off his head. I emphasized the S curve since I wanted it to look even more stretched
omg this is my 6500 post, I think!
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Nicholas In Bondage
So I had a phone call with that model Iwas thinking about yesterday, and he explained to me what he was thinking about with regards to erotic art as a submissive STRAIGHT bottom, and how that might appear. Since he's straight, I needed to ask him how that worked, since what came to mind immediately was a typical gay role, where the bottom offers themselves up to the top, but how does a straight man submit to a woman? Or is it always a woman? And is the ass or penis involved? After our conversations, these are the images I came up with that he could pose for, including the older concept of a man dribbling spit from his mouth, presumably to wet something kinky. I figured since hes a really handsome guy, it would be his kinky portrait.
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Kinky Hermes
I was thinking a lot about my model from recent nude sessinos, who expressed a kinkier side wand wanted to explore it with artists. I'm pretty intrigued by him since I find him very much in my aesthetic, but making it super erotic (which I don't do lately) really inspired me. So I put together a test idea, inspired by a cover I stumbled on in Pinterest, of a 1930s drawing of the Greek god Hermes.
Friday, February 7, 2025
Inspired By The Menswear Shows 2
I thought I'd retool this guy a bit and post him on the Facebook group I help moderate, as it's our First Friday event where we get to post our own work once a month on the first friday of that month.
Thursday, February 6, 2025
Model Drawing Demo 02.06
I finally got a model in for today's class, and had a demo of stripes. I drew so much on the blackboard and in my demo sheets, to show the kids how to loosen up, but I think I still need to loosen up and also tighten up. I'm showing them how to let go but perhaps there's too much abandon and I need to bring back some control. Still, these kids are all about control right now so they need to get loose...
Wednesday, February 5, 2025
Turtleneck Guy
There are times I just sketch something on the subway and don't think about it again, but when I miss a day of drawing I have to make up for it for this blog. So I pulled up an old Pocket Procreate sketch and added a few details to it, and am using it as a sub for the lack of sketch in today's post.
Tuesday, February 4, 2025
Not Quite Jazzed Up
Not Jazz music but Jazz the perfume by YSL, form the early 90s. The video ad for that perfume is one of my defining images of male elegance, and it's still hard to beat in my book, decades later. So it popped up in my feed one day and I was listening to it and decided to draw a guy. It doesn't actually look like it would be inspired by anything from the ad, but that's where I went while listening to it. Inspiration is a funny thing sometimes.
Monday, February 3, 2025
Subway Guy
Yesterday on my way up to Francisco's apartment to draw Nicholas, I decided to sketch the outfit of a guy standing in front of me in the subway, using my pocket Procreate. I added a few more details in Photoshop today.
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Nicholas Again
I went up to my new friend Francisco's apartment today to draw Nicholas again. I'm besotted with his look—he's not only the lean long type I like, but he has a handsome face and a beautiful butt! Which I focused on drawing today.
Saturday, February 1, 2025
Footclap 3
Changed the face and added a penis, since the original pic I took the model had underwear on. I like it better this way. :)
Friday, January 31, 2025
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Happy Lunar New Year!
I drew a snake.
Although really, what's so happy about it? All my friends and I are zealously trying to avoid any political news, both because the news can no longer be relied on to be objective, and it's a non-stop horror show. Maybe the year of the snake means we're surrounded by vipers?!
Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Walk Right
I was prepping a slideshow for my new menswear class on Wednesdays, and I found myself redoing a lot of the positioning in my old drawings. You really can advance a lot in a few years, and I had difficulty with these leg positions back then. Its hard to get the anatomy looking just so in a runway walk pose. So I redid all the legs here, even if the students would only see it for a second.
Tuesday, January 28, 2025
Deco Lass
My friends went to the Museum of the City of New York and got these postcards where you could draw in your own art deco flapper design. Well, mine is kinda deco, but I dunno if she's a flapper haha
Monday, January 27, 2025
Laddie Boy
The new hairstyle that made the rounds of some of the menswear fashion shows last week included triangular silhouettes that looked very foppish. I like the idea and the change, after all these 70s hairdos, a 90s "Maurice" fop do is in order, haha
Sunday, January 26, 2025
Hipster Flaneur
My new artist friend Francisco invited me to join him at his apartment to draw model Matt, who goes by Hipster Flaneur on IG. Had a ncie session going though a few poses, and just getting my stride for shorter poses.
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