I attended a really eye-opening Illustrator CS5 tutorial geared toward fashion illustrators earlier today. The features that the instructor put to use were really inspiring, and the fact that the program's a lot more user-friendly and less vector-looking than before made me really consider using Illustrator as a drawing tool. It seems like I could get a lot of the more graphic effects I work hard to achieve in Photoshop, with the added benefit of now being able to draw more naturally because of all the new brushes and features.
Well, I don't have CS5 yet, but I did have CS3. Sketching freehand, I didn't do too badly for the amount of effort I put in, but it's certainly not indicative of my personal illustration style (okay, frankly, it's ugly). It kinda looks like all those awful renderings that lower end retailers and magazines try to pass off as 'fashion illustrations'. I have a ways to go before I can recreate what I want in this program, but might as well start somewhere, eh? It never seemed possible before today, but I'm hoping I'll get into it.
This was an outfit I was wearing today to a party, btw. Hey, draw what you know...