Saturday, August 31, 2024

Desktop Sketch 5

Still haven't figured it out so more sketch studies on my desktop.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Desktop Sketch 4

I've been imagining what my own collection would look like if I did the same project I'm making my students do. Since I have a rather complicated idea in my head, I just started testing it out on my desktop blotter sheet that still hasn't left my desk.

Thursday, August 29, 2024

Yoni, Quickly

I follow this online nude model account for artist's model Yoni Baker, and he offered a free, lifedrawing session to test out his new camera system. I replied, but didn't realize he was testing it at 12 midnight in NYC (he's based in LA I think), so I barely got anything sketched, especially since I've been so tired from the first week of school!

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

Subway Contraposto

I forgot about this drawing I did on the subway, and how I liked the form of the guy but needed to clean it up a bit. This is an initial stab after bringing it into Photoshop from my Procreate cellphone app.

Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Cropped and Lifted, 2

The I saw another photo from an email I get regularly (I forget which) showing a guy posed like this, and I liked the S curve action, plus it allowed for the short cropped tee left too. Options, options...

Monday, August 26, 2024

Cropped and Lifted

Troye Sivan's ads for the Gap showed him in a cropped tee that would lift and reveal his abs whenever he lifted his arms. I thought of capturing that in a sketch and this is the initial idea.

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Desktop Sketch 3

I confess, I didn't really draw and photograph these bit by bit, but I just took teh shot of the 3 days I dres and removed the parts I knew I did that day, in retrospect. It still counts as my sketches for the day, just more calculatedly presented. I forgot to take shots by the day but this still works!

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Desktop Sketch 2

It feels super natural to sketch and doodle with pencil and paper again, but I always felt like I wanted to hit Command Z, especially when I misrendered that back slope!

Friday, August 23, 2024

Desktop Sketch

I put a pink sheet of paper on my desk as a sort of desk blotter (an old school item for sure) and while waiting for something to load on my computer, I randomly started sketching on it with a pencil. Back in the day, I would talk for hours on the phone with my best friend in college, and whatever sheets of paper were nearby—the calendar next to the phone, a random note card, an abandoned magazine—would get doodled on.

Thursday, August 22, 2024


I only recently discovered model Lulu Tenney and her beautifully odd facial features. I feel like her doll-like oddity is very modern and reminds me a lot of my friend Nuno Dacosta's drawings. So I am trying to channel her without actually copying her face.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Tuxedo Jacket Only, Done

I decided to get my friend Ernie, whom I recently noticed likes to wear thongs because they make his package look bigger even underneath his clothing, to quickly show me how it looks before and after. Anatomical accuracy was the excuse, lol. And it's true! While your balls may spread out, what happens with a thong is your shaft positions downward, which accentuates the length. In. way I needed a real person's usage to guide it, since many online pics of guys wearing them tend to emphasize a semi or more straining against the fabric.

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Tuxedo Jacket Only 4

I adjusted both his body AND the canvas. I think it works better proportionally. Although I'm not sure I like his shoulders as is, it should be fine if I'm emphasizing them merely to hang the jacket. Frankly this looks like a mannequin pose, haha.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Tuxedo Jacket Only 3

So this is me adjusting his body. I realized I made him a bit long, but that's the fashion illustrator in me. Plus some men are long that way (I actually have a model, Craig D. in mind when I think that) but I'm not sure I want that for this drawing.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Tuxedo Jacket Only 2

even if his body is covered by the jacket, I still drew the full body underneath to give myself a sense of how I might or might not dress him. I always find that a thong can elongate the crotch if it's stretchy enough and the man is more turgid (clearly I've given this some thought and research!) but I wasn't sure how I wanted to present him, with or without thong.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

Tuxedo Jacket Only

Well, not only. A jacket, and what I'm hoping will be a sheer, 70s style thong.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Happy Zoe Day!

It's my niece's birthday so I drew a quick cake and made a gif greeting.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Contemporary Hair

I've been drawing it for a while, but these tousled curl men's haircuts are kind of the main look right now in contemporary men's fashion, but I did notice how they tend to flair out in an inverted triangle the way they taper the backs (if you look from profile).

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Soft Collar

I'm in one of my, "I'm not really inspired to draw" phases. So these doodles are just gonna have to do for now.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Hard Edged

I was experimenting with teh Guelph brush some more, for a harder edge style...and I don't like it. Well, the drawing. The style could be useful some other way.

Monday, August 12, 2024

Cat Lady Cats

 Was thinking how I could expand on the Cat Lady idea and draw more, but this is looking a little too 1950s De Patie Freleng.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Group Sexy 3

There are actually a few hidden figures that I'd drawn and discarded, but such is the nature of planning a layout. I thought of maybe combining both groupings into one continuous one, and there's merit to that idea. Not sure this is working just yet though.

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Group Sexy 2

I wondered if this should be a series, but given the difficulty, I also wonder if I'm setting myself up to never finish them? My blog is littered with unfinished pieces!

Friday, August 9, 2024

Group Sexy

A series of photos from someone's Instagram post (I forget who now, I just look, absorb, get inspired and move on) made me think of a slew of naked men all posing in a group, and it behooves me to figure out everyone's blocking before actually drawing the final figures. It reminds me of a graphic I designed back in the late 80s/early 90s, for a mannequin collection where the owner of the company wanted me to evoke Tamara de Lempicka, and I decided to compose several of the mannequin poses in an impossible tableau.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

Childless Cat Lady Cat

Did you know August 8 is International Cat Day? Well, when I realized that, I decided to make a Harris Walz tee shirt to commemorate...and maybe sell a few tees.

Edit: In case readers may wanna buy some (I altered the first print so it's not so red, as that's more a Repugnican thing), it's here:

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Stand and Tilt, Done

I finally decided, I am erasing and redrawing that entire head, not just the face. I actually tried keeping teh head but redrawing the facial features, but it was also the cheekbones and jawline throwing me off. And the ears! WHo knew ears could be so pivoatal? Anyhow, MUCH more satisfied with this guy. I also reduced his hand. I think I took the large hands idea a bit overboard.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Stand and Tilt 4

I am having the worst time with this face. Because of the tilt in his head I tried composing the face with the whole canvas tilted, and I wonder if that's why it's looking stiff and unnatural to me? His body I'm fine with but enhh, I have redone that face 4 times!

Monday, August 5, 2024

Contraposto Duo

I have sharp jagged postures on my mind. This time it was about a super skinny guy with long hair. I got the feeling down but not necessarily the drafting., so dunno where this will go for now.

Sunday, August 4, 2024


I was thinking about model proportions while on the subway, and since I was heading uptown I had a few more minutes to kill while on teh train so I took out my phone and sketched on Procreate Pocket. It's finger painting, really, but I was trying to see if I could get the contraposto stance I had in my head, on the model frame.

Saturday, August 3, 2024

Model Proportions

Continuing my study of the Studio Nicholson ads, I was intrigued by how Aleksander already had fashion illustration proportions, so it behooved me to change the scale of his head to evoke that. Strangely enough, I draw a shorter proportion as a default, when I should really lengthen the figures more than the reality, which is already longer than my own proportion!

Friday, August 2, 2024

Modern Model

 I was thinking about my post submission for First Friday and how it was so dated, but that was actually teh intent, to do a more classic look. I started thinking about my male models, as I was watching some ads for one of my favorite brands, Studio Nicholson, and the model they used, Joseph Uyttenhove, has a look I wouldn't normally draw but is very much what I think of as a modern male model face.

So I did an experiment: I turned the video off then tried to reconstruct his face from memory, to try and see what exactly about it made him feel modern. He has many of the hallmarks of what I draw already for my fashion illustrations: the large eyes, sharp noses and small lips, but this time I also thought he had a weaker chin, or at least, one that receded unlike the strong jawlines I'm used to from older decade style model ideals. That's the black and white sketch on the left.

Next I took screen grabs of his face from teh ads, and actually sketched from them roughly, and boy, was it an eye-opener: the proportions were completely different, and his chin is actually stronger, but coupled with  small pursed lips that are nevertheless small but fuller than the thin, Anglo mouths I've tended to draw as a default lately. What an interesting experiment.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Woman Yesterday, Done

Decided instead to go with a fashion illustration of a woman, this old school one I did a few months back. I tweaked her head and dress to allow for better line quality and contrast, but I like that she looks so immediate.