Saturday, September 14, 2024


It was my and my friend's birthday today, and we have this thing where we constantly greet each other with, "Happy Birthday, You Bitch!" and I drew in the simple animation on this newly published pic of him from back in the 90s (wearing head to toe Helmut Lang vinyl!), which I am totally going to say counts as a drawing post because I'm lazy and it's my birthday so there.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Sweater Reveal, Done

I've been remiss in posting on Instagram for 2 weeks now (I try to pose once a week) so I went hunting for a sketch that felt ready to pose without much work. Fortunately this sweater one is now better to post since we've had cooler weather in the last few weeks, although today it's been summery again. So I thought I'd write copy emphasizing how wishy-washy the weather is and whether or not you wear the sweater, or take it rationalization.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Croquis Repair

I did a very quick sketch on paper and photoscanned it in as a thing to work on in class, to teach them how to do scan repair, but sadly I never got to it.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Stretched Out 2

I'm wondering if the arm pose is too closed, so I tried with him arms up, hands behind his head. Then I sent the sketch to a friend to ask him to model it for me. The black version is an older, less detailed version of the one I published for yesterday...Anyhow, any excuse to get someone naked...

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Stretched Out

I had another idea (I have more ideas that I come up with than I finish, sadly) of a guy wearing penny loafers and is otherwise naked.

Monday, September 9, 2024

Angled 4

Leaving the head alone and tending to his body to make sure anatomy and attitude are aligned with the vision. This can be a dangerous part of the process too, as I find I can often not like how a sketch evolves, and I end up abandoning it.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Angled 3

Now he looks more refined, except as I develop both his face and body, he looks less like a fashion model and more like some rando naked guy. But that tends to happen sometimes when I try to make them feel more realistic, and I draw in features that might be less familiar to me. With that arm on his hip, he also looks kinda short...

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Angled 2

So this is the body, and now I realize Ive drawn versions of this same pose before, albeit not from this angle.

Friday, September 6, 2024


I often visualize a pose with a specific attitude and angle, and then I try to actually draw it. Problems arise when those sketches start to developa visual of their own different from the one in my head, and working on them makes me lean more to the marks on the page than getting out teh image in my head. This one starts with a tilted head and an expression. Don't mind the green hair, just playing...

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Siting Sidelines

I saw a pic of a guy naked on Instagram, but the way he was sitting abd shot from the side revealed no penis, so I thought it was a good pose to try and emulate. This is a first draft, per usual, when I start something new.

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Cropped and Lifted 5

It's kinda weird for me to be developing 2 views of the same pose separately, when maybe I should just do the crop and add the legs later, or perhaps finish the full body and just crop it. But they seem to be developing differently based on the view.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Cropped and Lifted 4

And the closer crop. I have the pose so clearly in my head but so far the marks are not up to par! Looking at this as I post, he might need to rotate his head one way, while the body goes rotating the other.

Monday, September 2, 2024

Cropped and Lifted 3

Trying to get the correct level of ease into this pose, but since I'm doing it from my head it's not coming quickly enough. Can't decide whether it's best as a full view or a 3/4 crop.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Bent, Done

I had started this drawing a couple of months back and it was nearly done back then, but I decided to get a reference from Ernesto when he came to visit this past summer. Fortunately it's such minimal detail it was just a matter of doing it, so I was able to finish it for posting to Instagram.