Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Happy New Year! 2024
I spent a lot of time thinking about whether or not I would say Happy New Year this year. There's so much politically going on that I wonder if it will actually be happy? But then I realized, the greeting is a wish for happiness, and that's definitely something I would wish for because of all the political tumult.
I started drawing at 11:55 am until past midnight, on these two boys leaning into each other...
And this marks my 18th year blogging, omg...
Monday, December 30, 2024
There's a new label I discovered called Babaa (not sure how to type the line above the last "a") and they have these great big unisex sweaters, so I thought I'd draw one.
Sunday, December 29, 2024
Leather Jacket
So, this doesn't look like the title at all. Lemme explain: I wanted to draw a guy ONLY in a leather jacket (hence the penis), but when I had the idea that he looked like he was in a nonchalant pose that begged a second model, it suddenly turned into a more sweet, gay narrative. But there might be a leather jacket in there in future...
Saturday, December 28, 2024
Scarfy Christmas, Done
I kept the top part of teh head and kinda changed everything else, and it was working so we=ll I finished it and posted it on Insta.
Friday, December 27, 2024
Scarfy Christmas 3
Maybe I abandon the actual face and scarf and start from scratch...and that croquis pose is looking better already.
Thursday, December 26, 2024
Scarfy Christmas 2
I'm trying for the contemporary faces again—wider noses and fuller lips. But while it's looking right, it just looks too contemporary for my liking! Ugh, I can't seem to escape my own aesthetics. Maybe an eventual penis will detract properly from his face haha
Wednesday, December 25, 2024
Scarfy Christmas
Merry Christmas! I am trying my hardest to comceptualize a Christmassy post for Insta, but I'm too distracted by actually celebrating Christmas this year—I have 4 different groups of friends to deal with! First was Erwin last night, with our usual ramen Eve. Today it was dimsum lunch at Hutong with Greg, Charles, Mieko et al; and tonight it's dinner with my next door neighbors, a last minute invitation to have dinner. After last year's snoozefest, I'm happy to accept invitations!
Anyhow, he's a guy in. scarf,m possibly with the scarf extending down to his crotch to (slightly) cover his dick. But it looks too fashion right now...
Tuesday, December 24, 2024
Random Inspo Sketch 6
I always draw a quick face then refine it late. In this instance, I wanted to try a more contemporary face, with a wider nose and smaller, fuller lips. He's looking too much like a young Val Kilmer for my liking though.
Plus I'm not doing too much since it's Christmas Eve and I've been busy figuring out presents...
Monday, December 23, 2024
Random Inspo Sketch 5
Refining the pose a bit. as well as the head. I always default to a standard Gozum head, whatever my muscle memory automatically lets me draw. But I also realize that look can be a bit dated so I tend to go back in and refine things, which is one of the beauties of sketching digitally. In this case though, I wanted that early 90s look, with teh wavy hair that just seemed so Ralph Lauren and desirable (I think that's where my longstanding tsunami hairstyle back then emerged from)
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Random Inspo Sketch 4
One of the accounts I follow recommended a vintage menswear account that I didn't realize I also followed, but who don't show up on my feed because all I click Like on are next-to-naked men. So when I went to inspect them again, I got inspired by a photo of a guy leaning on a ledge...and I immediately deconstruct it in my head to be naked lol. But that's kind of a niche I've leaned on, analyzing clothed poses and extrapolating the body underneath.
Saturday, December 21, 2024
Random Inspo Sketch 3
I saw a model looking heroic on Insta, fully clothed. And as is my wont, I imagined him naked, or partially...in this case, I'm wondering if a pair of pants being undone is apt here...?
Friday, December 20, 2024
Random Inspo Sketch 2
Just developed the sketch from yesterday a little more... it's an inspiration sketch because I saw a similar pose online and forgot where, but I was left with the idea of the pose and had to get it on pixel. Plus lately I love drawing that kind of hand hanging limply from a wrist...or as my fellow compatriots at D.G.Williams/La Rosa used to call it (or was it the Saks people?) The Claw Hand.
Thursday, December 19, 2024
Random Inspo Sketch
I love drawing a properly seated pose with spread out legs—I suppose it's because I see so much of it in porn, but at the same time, I think it's provocative in fashion because it's wide open legs for chrissakes! Even if you don't show anything or make it look sexual, I feel like it's sexual no matter what. Plus there's something about a lean stomach slightly bent that gets me going.
Wednesday, December 18, 2024
Ernesto was hanging out on my couch after a session and he was on his phone in his underwear, with his feet sole to sole on the couch. I just noticed it after months and how cool of a position it is, so I anted to get it started as a possible sketch. Lots of possibilities and nothing finished lately.
Tuesday, December 17, 2024
Bendy 5
Trying to refine this to post on insta, but I find myself wondering if I should post something more Christmassy...I'm kind of too busy with the holiday to finish anything properly.
Monday, December 16, 2024
Floor Squat
I might be using the wrong term here—is it a squat if you sit with your legs on each side like this? I could never do this, and I always marveled at people who could even back when I was a kid. I think we used to call this piké, although now that I think about it, pike might be the other direction inward. Anyhow, I started and ended this drawing in a day, which feels quick but I have to remember that when I draw from life or a photo, it's easier and takes less time composing, and more just rendering. It's such a great way to work, I miss doing it more... but thankfully, my friend Ernesto has posed for a number of positions for me, that I have archived as photo references, and this was one of them.
Sunday, December 15, 2024
After Ronan 3
One more. After I draw the forms, I start manipulating them as paths, and Illustrator IS an illustration program after all.
Saturday, December 14, 2024
Friday, December 13, 2024
After Ronan
I've slowly gotten surrounded by Ronan Bouroullec's drawings. Last year it was seeing them in the beautiful Issey Miyake collection that featured them as prints. Lately I had seen them in EQ3, decorating the walls of their store/showroom in Chelsea, and then oddly enough in a video of a Japanese kid's vlog about his life in Japan, where a print of Ronan's shows up in the wall of his apartment.
This past week I found out that EQ3 was closing its showroom in my neighborhood, and I wondered about the frames and later, the prints that I had admired while just passing though. I didn't realize they were all connected, and upon noting the artist/designer's name in the little credits near the frames, I resolved to buy some if they went on sale, which they did. By the time it reached 90% off, I had bought 3 different versions that they had had on sale, for a few dollars each! I don't even have teh wallspace so I have no idea where these are going...
Anyhow, BEFORE I got to buy the prints, I thought, well, I can't afford them all so maybe I'll channel what I like about them and use them in making new prints, but using some Illustrator techniques I recently started experimenting with. I debated whether to consider them drawings, but I did use my Wacom stylus and Illustrator's pencil tool to make the original lines that were filtered into these gradients. It was originally going to be a feather but I kind of went off script...
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Bendy 4
Retooling this head and wondering if I really want him on the the bendy nude, or if I'll just take it and make a new, fashion illustration body for him? Hence the more fashion-y haircut on the right...
Wednesday, December 11, 2024
Bendy 3
I decided I think I should do another white guy. But I realize that since I freehand it, the proportions are always off and I need to go back in and fix things. His head is not quite the right size...
Tuesday, December 10, 2024
Bendy 2
I'd been retooling yesterday's drawing's face, and thought I'd try an Asian guy. But then I thought, this might not be the best pose for him, as it implies being submissive, which is an Asian stereotype I don't want to encourage. But I thought the face turned out okay, although I do tend to draw the same kind of Asian, when I was hoping for someone who looked younger and more genteel...
Monday, December 9, 2024
I saw a model on Instagram doing this kinda yoga pose (I don't know what you'd call it) wearing only a pair of jeans, and I thought this could be a good pose for someone naked, as it would show off the ass in a way that almost implies bottoming (yeah, this is how my mind works). So I put the image away, and then drew from memory and imagination. I don't think the anatomy is quite right so I plan on asking my friend Ernesto to model it for me to get the muscles in proper order (plus he has a nice ass lol).
I like the guy's face but not for this pose. I might do a separate pose and drawing just for that face...
Sunday, December 8, 2024
Beary Joey
My friend Joey had a baby shower today, and instead of buying the baby something I decided to just paint a little drawing of a teddy bear but wearing one of Joey's menswear pieces (he's a menswear designer). I did it all in watercolor and colored pencil, which I really should have photographed, so here's a digital simulacrum as stand-in.
Saturday, December 7, 2024
Lean On Me 2
I tried to flesh out the form more but in this instance, my proportions are all off. I managed to create the relationships with the head and the shoulder a bit, but it's really off still, and even more so with the body. Maybe I'll just go to a photo reference...
Friday, December 6, 2024
A Single Line 2
I was looking at my Single Line fashion sketch from the other day and wondered if my proportions were even correct. Sometimes the illusion of the perfect distillation of something is dispelled when you try to complete it as a drawing and realize that proportions were all off. I though that maybe the pleats were too far in from the side, but after I made the opposite line, it's not perfect but it works. Whew! I was afraid I was gonna lose faith in my sense of spatial relations...
Thursday, December 5, 2024
Lean On Me
Especially if you look like that! Saw a pose online that reminded me of when a nude model was hanging out post-session and he was leaning on a surface naked while checking his phone...and I decided to take pics of him in that pose (he let me, btw). Although this guy is leaning on a higher surface and I'm not sure it looks so natural...
Wednesday, December 4, 2024
Bearded In Repose
After yesterday's post's exercise, I thought I'd try a nude, but it ended up being more than a single line...and that's fine! I really like how it turned out. It was originally inspired by OnlyFans model sebleblan's mustache, but I decided to make him bearded just to change things up on my feed. I also made a toweled version just in case Instagram's AI/algorithm get trigger happy.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
A Single Line
As a challenge to myself, i started sketching and then I set parameters that i cou;d not life the stylus until I was happy with the sketch. And I was happy with this!
Monday, December 2, 2024
Inspired By 5
I decided he needs a friend in a very Fashion, "we're walking in two different directions" placement.
Sunday, December 1, 2024
Inspired By 4
One painting style I see often and I like doing my own version of, is a man's face with prominently red noses and ears. I love how that look feels boyish and possibly sexual at the same time. Strangely, my reds were pretty bright to start with but by the time I stopped painting this in this style, it all had muted down...
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