Monday, October 1, 2007


The discovery of the sketches of young designer Aitor Throup plus the arrival of the latest issue of Japanese Men's Non-no sparked the inspiration for a way for me to fashion sketches in styles more current than my 80s-borne fashion illustration mindset is used to. There's something to be said about drawing the way you were raised, but somewhere along the way I stopped sketching current fashion and I feel like I've lost my touch. Throup has a way of positioning bodies that evoke the the attitude of more avante garde stylings (despite still being very manga/comic-influenced, albeit in a more indie way), and I needed that model as a visual push. I always used to copy my favorite artists in hopes of finding out what I admire about their styles and hopefully learning from them. Perhaps I'll be able to incorporate it into my repertoire afterwards...


lucidiocy said...


Your ability to adapt/adopt so many styles is enviable.

I like how this gangly this character looks-- his posture makes it seem like he is moving on the page.

cool stuff.

George G said...

Thanks. I sometimes wonder if it's versatility or the whorish lack of my own style that's the reason I can change the looks so easily. Methinks I've said so before... I'm hoping I just have a wide range of styles that are all part of me!