I spent some time chatting with an old friend Joachim on the phone, and as I told him then, I doodle my best when I don't have to think. I was planning on coloring this but it seems that anything saved as a jpeg in Painter doesn't convert properly in Photoshop, so black and white it remains.
really, so why does that happen. hey george, what tablet (brand and dimensions should i use to make drawings in my photoshop cs2? something that replicates lifesize paper cos i'm using a really small one now :)
Which, the jpeg problem, or the doodling without thinking? The former I think because Photoshop has different standards for its jpeg production, but I'm not really sure. The latter, well, probably because my abilities are inherent and not really conscious!
If you get a tablet, I have always worked on a 6 x 8 Wacom tablet - you can always zoom out to larger strokes, but I find large tablets take too much space to make smaller lines. Go to Wacom.com, and look under the Intuous line.
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