Thursday, February 14, 2008

Sick of Drugs

I had a bad reaction to a prescription last night, and I was really afraid I was going to die. When you're nauseous and vomit for nearly 10 hours, it can't be good. Its harder now that I'm an adult and living alone. When I was younger, I always knew there would be people in the house who would come home and be there should anything happen. I was afraid I'd die in my sleep, except I could barely sleep.


David Berube BerubeArt said...

Sorry to hear.
Hope you're feeling better.

lucidiocy said...


I am so sorry you're sick! I just got through it myself and it was awful.

I hate the thought of being alone when I'm sick. My best friend was complaining about the very same thing a week ago. She loves living alone EXCEPT when she's sick. Someone should come up with a service:

With "Your Flu Buddy" someone will be there to hold your hair back while you puke

for a small fee of 29.99!

George G said...

Isn't it weird, sometimes when you're sick all you want to be is babied, but at the same time, you feel so gross you don't want anyone near you!

Thanks, Tamar, David. Feeling better now.

Wait, Tamar, aren't you in medicine too?

Psychomom said...

I've been enjoying your drawings and wanted to say thanks, I love your work and hope you feel better soon. When you're the mom you take care of everyone but when you're sick they still expect you to get up and make dinner. Being sick just sucks!

Clara in NM

Unknown said...

I'm sorry, George. I have been there, thinking I was going to die alone in a stupid way from something so trivial. It's a horrible, horrible feeling. Not to mention puking for 10 hours.

Feel better. Do something in traditional watercolor, not on the machine. I seem to remember you enjoying that.

MangyCat said...

So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. You certainly have expressed that in your last couple sketches.

Love the concept of drawing an image a day--Good luck! Should be a fun adventure.

Stumbled across your blog while searching for other Project 365ers who are updating regularly. Hope you don't mind, but I linked to you so I can see the updates!