Sunday, March 9, 2008


CBR, the comics message board I sometimes post in, has their annual CBRunway contest, and the first challenge is based on your self. I didn't design anything new, but since it's supposed to be based on me, I decided to use my actual clothing: every piece on this drawing is an actual piece I own and have worn this winter. Very super-hero already, so I said why not?


lucidiocy said...

If I were a superhero in my favorite clothes they'd definitely be my Victoria Secret white Mayfair men's style pajamas and my superpower would have to be sleep.

George G said...

Well, Tamar, you could be Dream Girl form the Legion of Super-Heroes. She was an actual character who originally had to dream of the future while she slept. Heaven help her if she couldn't remember her dreams when she woke up...

lucidiocy said...


Dream Girl.

George G said...

I know, in a knowing, ironic way, it's kinda genius. In a serious comic book sense, not so much.

By the way, I put the check into a stamped envelope and then forgot to mail it. It's in one of my manbags somewhere, I just need to ferret it out now.... since I have so many.