I ran into my friend
PJ at the gym and told him about my doing sketches of people at the gym, and he thought it was a fun idea. So next in the series (I need to see Pretty Girl again and study his face a bit more to really nail his features) is a woman I dubbed, The Beast. She's apparently really nice, but the reason for her nickname is she works out like an animal! She does things that more than half of the men in the gym can't do, and she's amazing. I think I pretty much got her general look but I'm gonna make sure again next time I'm at the gym before I finalize her and color her. PJ agreed that she's basically a cartoon character altogether, so I'm picking off the easiest peo[le first before proceeding into the more obscure ones.
This is kinda fun.
Hey - love the attitude - you've got her down pat. I can't wait to see her colored. Will you put her in a gym setting?
Thanks! There's something off about her mouth that I can't pinpoint, so I'll have to study her the next time I'm in the gym. Maybe when it's all done I'll add a few indications of the gym... like a few dumbells lying around! Or perhaps I'll do a whole tableau of everyone I do!
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