Wednesday, February 26, 2014


Went to the Leslie Lohman Studio night tonight and drew the model Eryc. I had wanted to do more classic drawing, but I also went with the flow of whatever the pose inspired me to do. The first was more classic, but I had just sat down to my chair when it began so I was a bit harried and kept making mistakes that I had to erase (and usually I'm good about not erasing).

I'm not loving anything, but I consider tonight more of a toe-dip in the water, as I need to get back to speed on live sketching. Like riding a bike, it will come.


Joanie said...

I love the first sketch with him in the chair, but I LOVE the blue sketch best of all.

Whatever you're doing, keep doing it. It's working.

George G said...

Thanks, I wasn't feeling the evening very much, and the poor model was having some issues with pain, so he kept fidgeting. Glad you liked the pics though!