Saturday, February 5, 2022

Leg Days

I am revisiting my first job for Boss because I have evolved in the scant year and a half that I worked for them during the pandemic. Specifically my pants leg proportions. Part of it is the fact that I work digitally and often draw things in isolation from the entire figure, so I don't see the whole look and proportion. The other part is I'm out of practice. So these pants legs were originally super wide, esp at the hips—something my illustrator friends Lamont and Renaldo saw right off the bat but were very polite about telling me. It didn't make the work horribly bad (I have to give myself credit for doing the looks on time, in detail, and as the client approved) but with a Virgo, there's always room for improvement. So before I can post the work to my portfolio, I'm updating the old looks with the proportions that I gave Boss the last time I worked with them, as they've evolved.

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