Sunday, April 17, 2022

Dark Boy 2

Yesterday's face has evolved, and I got to thinking about the hows and whys. As always it begins with putting down marks, then editing and altering them until they either look like the idea in my head, or evolve on their own into something I'm pleased with. It's an interesting process as I think about it, since it happens all the time to me and any other artist, but there's this wonder about whether or not I actually have any control of the process and if I'm really creating from a space of knowledge, or if I'm just ambling about with my hands, happening upon one serendipitous mark to the other, making choices what I keep and what I remove to and what I add as I go along. I think about this as this sketch/face has evolved a lot since I did the first sketch of it yesterday, and it's both along the lines of my original idea yet not it at all.

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