Friday, January 31, 2025

Quick Croquis

I just happened to sketch one for reasons I cant recall.

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Happy Lunar New Year!

I drew a snake.

Although really, what's so happy about it? All my friends and I are zealously trying to avoid any political news, both because the news can no longer be relied on to be objective, and it's a non-stop horror show. Maybe the year of the snake means we're surrounded by vipers?!

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Walk Right

I was prepping a slideshow for my new menswear class on Wednesdays, and I found myself redoing a lot of the positioning in my old drawings. You really can advance a lot in a few years, and I had difficulty with these leg positions back then. Its hard to get the anatomy looking just so in a runway walk pose. So I redid all the legs here, even if the students would only see it for a second.

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Deco Lass

My friends went to the Museum of the City of New York and got these postcards where you could draw in your own art deco flapper design. Well, mine is kinda deco, but I dunno if she's a flapper haha

Monday, January 27, 2025

Laddie Boy

The new hairstyle that made the rounds of some of the menswear fashion shows last week included triangular silhouettes that looked very foppish. I like the idea and the change, after all these 70s hairdos, a 90s "Maurice" fop do is in order, haha

Sunday, January 26, 2025

Hipster Flaneur

My new artist friend Francisco invited me to join him at his apartment to draw model Matt, who goes by Hipster Flaneur on IG. Had a ncie session going though a few poses, and just getting my stride for shorter poses.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Footclap 2

I forgot about this pose. I should develop it for the next post but I'm kind of meh about doing it right now.

Friday, January 24, 2025

Inspired by the Menswear Shows 3

 Now I'm just doodling figures, and trying to draw a modern, romantic male model face, but not succeeding (unless I just copy a face, which I'm not doing. I'm trying to channel one from memory but it's not happening).

Thursday, January 23, 2025

Inspired by the Menswear Shows 2

A nice stance, very Jazz perfume ad for YSL.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Young Lady

I was thinking of the female faces I tend to draw versus the ones that would be more modern (which ironically are a takeoff on old Jason Brooks or Milo Manara type faces, which in turn are influenced by the 60s) yet mine are strangely...Seventeen magazine from the 80s?

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Inspired by the Menswear Shows

Not that I was actually sketching any fashions, but I did feel the need to draw fashion figures...even if I never finished them. Exhibit A.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Menswear Poses 4

Just developed one of the faces even more, and it feels like an Asian model to me...but I've been an American for so long, I think my aesthetics are definitely changed.

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Menswear Poses 3

Trying to draw an Asian face in the manner of the male models IN Asia, versus just the Asian models in places like Paris fashion week. There tends to be an aesthetic divide between how Asians view Asian beauty versus how non Asians do.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Head Tilt

Always trying to add some variety to my menswear poses, particularly now since I'm finally teaching menswear classes at FIT. This is one attempt.

Friday, January 17, 2025

Menswear Poses 3

Trying out a slightly different kind of face for me, although to most it probably looks the same as my other guys.

The other day I got asked at the gym by an older gay artist if my faces were all just an ideal I dreamed up. As someone who draws/paints mostly from life, Bill seemed unfamiliar with the idea that I had a style for the way i rendered faces, hence the similarities. I've always strove to be able to draw faces well and in varieties, but it also took me a while to determine how I can draw certain features to my aesthetic. So I guess I do have a style now. There are worse things to have!

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Bathroom Stretch, Done

I think this is done, and I have to have it be done since I'm heading up to Hudson tonight and want to publish it remotely.Also I'm leaving it as my last post for over a week since I'm joining that Meta Lights Out movement and logging off my Facebook accounts in teh meantime. Hoping that no one hacks my account in the meantime.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Menswear Poses 2

I wanted to add an Asian guy to the mix, inspired by some of the Chinese models I explored via a like from designer Ian Hylton's (he's a menswear designer based in Asia). As I've mentioned to my friend Renaldo, what Asians find attractive in their fashion models is different from what American's find attractive for an Asian model. I am channeling the former.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Party Bear

I saw a photo of a model who had a bear tattoo on his chest, and I immediately just took that glance and drew a bear in a similar pose (albeit more graphically and less like a detailed tattoo, which the inspo was I realized, after I drew this). Then I felt inspired to give him a hat. Initially I also gave him a mouth stained in blood, but thought Id keep it cheery lol

Monday, January 13, 2025

Bathroom Stretch 2

I've got this pose down for the most mart, but the stretch is what I have to maintain in the face of adding the correct anatomy. Sometimes I'll make visual choices that express what I ant more than are anatomically correct (although is till want to be anatomically correct). Those hands, for example, are all wrong. So I cleaned this up and sent it off to Nicholas, last Saturday's first live model of the year for me, in hopes he would pose for me.

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Menswear Poses

I'm teaching menswear thiscoming semester at FIT, and I wanted to get a drop on the classes by creating some new fashion illustration. To that effect, I was toying with newer poses beyond just the typical croquis. These are two studies, with the Ranger Bristle Brush which I randomly am experimenting with.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Drawing Nicholas

I was planning on drawing at The Center today because I met and befriended online a fellow artist who goes there, and whose account I already follow, and he vouched for the new model TJ. Well, I forgot to set my alarm after going out on a non-date last night, so I didn't even make it to see them end their session. But I did get to catch up with Francisco, the artist, who was having lunch nearby and he invited me to join him for drawing at Minerva's Drawing Salon, a NY staple that I have never joined in all my decades as a New Yorker. And it was great! I got to draw Nicholas, who is also someone I already followed on Insta, plus it was a 3 hour pose so I got to really just...draw.

Inspired by Francisco himself, I decided to do kraft paper with a charcoal and white charcoal highlights. I think I did okay although its more academic than an accurate resemblance, I fear.

Friday, January 10, 2025


It's my friend Greg's birthday on Sunday and I am always at a loss as to what to get him since he can afford to buy anything he wants. SO I thought I might do a cartoony drawing of him instead. This is the beginnings of it.

Thursday, January 9, 2025

Bathroom Stretch

I was waiting for the shower water to heat up the other night and I stretched while naked, and watched my form in the mirror as I did. And I thought, huh, that's actually a fun pose. So I drew it and now am wondering if I need to even finish it more, because I love the immediacy of this piece.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Overhead View 3

I decided to try painting him in and I kinda like it but it needs more polishing. Although I have to say, for a pose I drew without references, it does look okay from this angle. Maybe the arms need to be a tad shorter though...

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Bendy, Done

I finally decided to publish my "Bendy" sketch, finishing it up, polishing all the loose marks and putting it up on Instagram. And he's done!

Monday, January 6, 2025

After Luc

I was admiring male model Luc Defont's Instagram feed, wondering what elements about him made him feel very current. I tried to channel all that into a face from my imagination, and while I like where its headed, I'm not sure it's there yet.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Menswear-y 2

I like the face but had no idea what to do about his body. So I took off all his clothes. But I don't like it much either. Yet.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Overhead View 2

I realized that my previous sketch of this (which I recently rediscovered) reminds me of Mr.Jiggly Sweatpants himself, Justin Theroux. I tried to recalibrate the sketch into a younger face a bit. Not sure it's there yet.

Friday, January 3, 2025

Another Watercolor Boy 2

I decided to clean up this sketch and post it for First Friday, which is when members can post their own work in my Facebook Fashion Illustration group. This was today's entry and the first for 2025!

Thursday, January 2, 2025


I was thinking of doing a new style menswear illustration, but to be honest, I'm not feeling anything clothes-wise. But this face is intriguing me,

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

New Year

I added more detail to the main sitter's face, then changed the other model to look more pose-y and nonchalant, like it was a fashion shoot more than a gay love story. Not sre if I like this approach better, but I'm trying. Also, not sure about the body language as his hand to his chin looks a little contrived and not as relaxed, maybe because I changed his shoulders? Ugh. Wondering how to fix it...