Saturday, January 11, 2025

Drawing Nicholas

I was planning on drawing at The Center today because I met and befriended online a fellow artist who goes there, and whose account I already follow, and he vouched for the new model TJ. Well, I forgot to set my alarm after going out on a non-date last night, so I didn't even make it to see them end their session. But I did get to catch up with Francisco, the artist, who was having lunch nearby and he invited me to join him for drawing at Minerva's Drawing Salon, a NY staple that I have never joined in all my decades as a New Yorker. And it was great! I got to draw Nicholas, who is also someone I already followed on Insta, plus it was a 3 hour pose so I got to really just...draw.

Inspired by Francisco himself, I decided to do kraft paper with a charcoal and white charcoal highlights. I think I did okay although its more academic than an accurate resemblance, I fear.

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