Sat in on a drawing class taught by my friend
PJ earlier tonight, and here's the only fully-rendered piece from the evening (I had to leave a bit early). It was interesting that I had this sit-in planned, since by chance I had lunch today with Oj, a former batchmate from my college days at UP Fine Arts, someone I hadn't seen in over 20 years, and we talked about our drawing abilities. Sitting in on PJ's class, I remembered how I was never taught classical drawing structure so it was interesting to me, yet I'm not exactly a newbie so it was hard for me to start from scratch. But Pj was a great teacher - very personal and always really positive. Makes me want to go back to school... although if I had Pj for a teacher back then, I'd probably totally crush on him and be completely distracted...! ;-)
hey you mean OJ HOFER? wow! he's a famous fashion designer here. is he based there now?
Is he really? He looks exactly the same as before - with the exception that I'm the one wearing the draped clothing now - haha!
No, he's not based here, just visiting til next week, because he's friends with my friend Greg and they're both here for a book launch. Too bad they both won't be here for the launch of the book I'm in, but that's a completely different, sordid story! ;-)
hi joanne? i've shifted from sketching and drawing to making clothes.really? i'm famous? actually i don;t have many clients since i've been stripping my lines down to the most salient for the last 20 years and nobody gets that.
george, i was looking at the drawings that you posted in your blog the whole morning.
the 2 minute rabbit is my favorite but everything else is, of course, beautiful. I must say, your aura has changed since college. you seem to be a lot more happy now,a lot more vibrant and a lot warmer :)
see ya
Thanks Oj! It's actually great to reconnect 20 years later, because we have history but at the same time, we've grown, both as artists and people. Plus it's always interesting to see ourselves with the mirror of what we used to be.
Now let's go out and party!
Yummy.My hubby has a big ol man butt just like the one you drew. It's a classic for sure.
G, I know I have said it before, but I love your versatility. It is definitely a gift.
Really, T? Well. Lucky you. :D
(Oh, and thanks)
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