I bought an issue of the new fashion illustration magazine, Pourquois Pas?, created by modern fashion illustration master, David Downton. I love how classic his style is. He has a drawing of Linda Evangelista printed in the magazine, and without looking at it, tried to channel what it was I thought struck me best about his work. Mostly it's how spontaneous everything looks, yet the linework is so cofident, and so considered. He omits lines so well, it truly makes the drawings. He's very much in the vein of Rene Gruau, but still unique. This is an homage to him, in hopes that whatever makes him so interesting to me might stick just by the act of doing...
ooh... i love it! it's somehow... refreshing and cool. like a mountain vacation. by the way i like the madhatter girl with the fish and feathers in her head.
And here I thought you were talking about Ape Against Glass! Thanks - I need to add more stuff to Fish Girl's head - no doubt she's in pain.
definitely nothing refreshing about looking at an ape wanting to kiss you through a glass pane.
Guess it's happened to you too often, huh? :p
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