Friday, November 7, 2008

Drawn Out

I added a bit of color to the blue drawing, the way I imagined it. Well, not exactly, but close enough. I originally had the saturation a bit lower, but I envisioned it very primary. Below is the original version:


oj hofer said...

wow what a striking resemblance. the pose, the mood and pout is very jorje

George G said...

Thanks Oj - it should be. I drew it from a webcam shot of me.

Taumi said...

I like this one...

Unknown said...

wow this is sooo nice. i have a lack of interest of doing my self-portrait... its something i've never done unless it was a caricature. when was joey's death anniversary?

George G said...

Joey died on the 4th of November. I was so busy with all the Obama drama I completely forgot. Again.

Unknown said...

oh. i dont remember if i told you that my lola (ama colorado) passed away while we were in the US? we visited her ashes in the columbarium the day after we arrived here.

and i'm looking at the drawing of you thinking that your hairstyle looks like the way it was back in college...

George G said...

Sorry about your lola, Jo. Hope you are going to keep her recipes alive!

And my hair is similar - although more piecey. But yeah, there's an 80s feel to it that's intentional - it's about 20 years since then, and it's always 20 year cycles for fashion. You can see the actual hair on my Facebook profile...!