Thursday, March 19, 2015

Instanudity 11

I'm not sure if I'm having a harder time with this likeness, or if I'm just really doing what I normally do (correct, correct, revise, correct) and that I forget how difficult it can be for me to get a good likeness from a photo. Don't get me wrong: if I draw from life, I can make a good likeness, but that;s because you don't have a still to compare it to, feature for feature. Here, you move one thing, then the next is suddenly wrong, even if that was the one thing you really thought you nabbed. Ugh, it's a process...


Joanie said...

I should be mad at you for drawing such beautiful people so beautifully, but I can't be. You inspire me to get out the pencils.

George G said...

Aw thanks Joanie. But I'm having trouble with this one. I can't seem to get a lock on his face.