Saturday, April 6, 2024

Woman Today

I have been a menswear fashion illustrator who used to do womenswear, but in fashion, you really do need to have a specific point of view for your illustrations to work. And as I work teaching more fashion sketch classes in FIT, I realize I'm coasting on old muscle memory and not really presenting a personal POV on women's fashion illustration. But the question was, do I even have one anymore? I can certainly do one on the fly (as I have more recently) but it doesn't have the confidence I do with menswear, nor for that matter, the confidence I had when I did it as a matter of course, back when I worshipped women's fashions in the 80s and 90s. So this is a conscious attaempt to sketch and see what makes me unique as a womenswear illustrator...but it's just a start for now.

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