Friday, April 25, 2008


I love dramatic facial shading. If I recall properly, this shadow pattern comes from an old comicbook - Avenger's Annual 10, where the character Rogue was first introduced, in a book drawn by the amazing Michael Golden. He drew a panel where Professor X (I think?) was talking on the phone, in a dark room, and the light hit him from behind just so. I never forgot that panel, and to this day, everything from my illustrations to my photography is informed by that lighting. I don't even know if it's correct facial structure and for the most part, I still think I'm winging it, because I was never taught how to draw from the skeletal system. Everything I know has come from comics and observing people's faces, first in drawings and now, from observing in real life.

But I'll always remember how it was done in the comics and that's what I do more often than not. Ah, the formative years... I had no idea I was being so influenced.

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