This is a horrible drawing, but I was trying to do it to the beat of Scritti Politti's Perfect Way, which my childhood friend Senen posted on Facebook (we were/are major Scritti fans). He had such a happiness about him in the video, and I was trying to capture it before the video ended... so, kinda ew with the results, but oh well...
Man, he looks like a lesbian...
LOL He REALLY looks like a lesbian in the Wood Beez video! He played at that record store on Bedford-- SoundFix--in 2006.
Whoa, I totally missed that. I love me some Scritti!
You had me at Scritti Politti. (shhh, it's a secret)
By the way, my verification word is "wigavig", which, if you ask me, would be an awesome Scritti tune.
I googled him after reading your post. He's still cute! And his latest album got rave reviews. :D
Yeah, I have the latest one, which he produced and released entirely on his own, if I'm not mistaken.
Those eyes are completely lopsided in my drawing. ugh.
the drawing actually reminds me of senen.
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