Thursday, June 16, 2011

Mohawk Storm

I think my love of the X-men really matured around the time Chris Claremont started really shaking things up, changing the formerly serene Storm into a punk rock rebel who was the antithesis of everything she used to be. It was both infuriating and completely compelling, because I was thrown such a curve (as was everyone) and we could not wait to see what happened next. And what happened was the character grew into what became a Claremont archetype that no one else has done as well since (not even Claremont, I dare say). It was a moment, really.

I wanted to just draw the way I feel like I would draw now, but doing subject matter that was very formerly me. No attempts to capture the way I used to draw, more about seeing how I would tackle the subject matter almost 30 years later. I like the pose, and am curious to see how I flesh it out.

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