Tuesday, December 27, 2011


And I still don't want to draw, but this time because my wrists are hurting. Ugh, what did I do at the gym??

Anyhow, this is a drawing with no erasing. Any mistakes - and there are lots- I just left in and tried to salvage by adding newer lines. Hah, didn't really work...

Oh, I know why my wrist hurts - aside from all the drawing, I was baking today, and creaming the damn butter by hand. Guess I'm not used to that action...


Joanie said...

I was going to say something snarky like, "is THAT what they're calling it now? Creaming butter?" But I thought better of it. And it's almost NYE...can't rush headlong into the new year with snark following us, can we?

George G said...

Sadly, euphemism-free creaming of actual dairy butter with a fork is all the action I've gotten of late!

Next time I'll buy a hand mixer. Ooh, that sounder dirty too...