Monday, May 28, 2007

Hair Do

A warm acquaintance of mine, Tom, who works at a hair salon, lives in my neighborhood, and has been working some really great hair lately. I ran into him several times over the past week and each time he was looking great (and we had similar hairstyles, although my texture changes my look quite a bit), and I was so taken with his anime hair tonight I wanted to do a sketch of it. As a drawing it doesn't look that radical, but in real life, walking the streets of Chelsea? Definitely notable. Tom doesn't actually look like my sketch, although he's a good looking guy.


Anonymous said...

What interests me most here is that in your drawing he looks exactly like the janitor character in the gay movie Broken Sky.


George G said...

Really? Interesting. I've never seen that movie. I thought he was looking vaguely Milo Ventimiglia-ish.

Anonymous said...

He does look a little Milo-ish but he has strong features. That is a cool hairstyle, I wish I could pull it off! The coloring is superb here, George!

George G said...

Thanks 'Fin! My hairstyle is the same, except because I have a wave in mine (plus Tom's hair has more straight volume), he has that anime look that I need to gel, set, brush and generally torture my hair into submission to achieve! :p