Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Neo Pose

I bought an issue of Spanish magazine Neo 2 specifically for a few images form a fashion editorial, to draw from. I don't like drawing from references because I feel like the final product is the result of me adapting someone else's vision. But I also figured if I didn't try to adhere too much to it and played where I wanted, perhaps it can still come out mine. This was the start of a sketch I didn't want to do. Earlier last night, a relative posted a pic of my mother and me and some of my siblings on Facebook, a pic from back when I was barely more than a year old, if that much. And it's weird how 12 years after her death I still mourn my mom's loss. So I really didn't have the wherewithal to draw, and actually ended up in tears. I basically cried myself to sleep.

So, that's my big excuse for the crappy sketch.

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