Sunday, January 15, 2012

New Year, New Meetup

Our first Fashion Illustration Meetup this year featured fab/fave male model Ridge. I decided since I always feel it's a bit easier to do menswear (there are fewer iconic menswear illustrators out there in my vein, so less pressure) that I could play. And what playing translated to was using watercolors directly without any pencils - I was getting my Bil Donovan on! It translated to a chunkier style, and while I didn't finish everything to satisfaction, I did get one painting I really liked. Its funny, without the experience, I would be afraid of ruining a painting by laying down too much color, and in fact, I sort of did, when I decided to go back and shade in the nose in the profile with a bit more pigment, but it's allowing that kind of 'mistake' that I realize ow allows for a firmer understanding of the medium, and hopefully an emergent watercolor style.

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